Local Events:
Prince Edward Co.
Farmville VA
Christmas Parade
Sunday Dec 1, 2024
AT 5:30 PM

Photo courtesy of Farmville Jaycees Facebook page
Now that it is officially the countdown to Christmas there is no lack of Holiday Cheer to enjoy. One of my favorites is the annual Christmas Parade. In each community there is planning and anticipation by both the ones who enter the parade and those that plan to attend the parade. Then the icing on the cake is Santa Claus coming to town!
Farmville, Virginia is no exception and this years' Christmas Parade, put on by the Farmville Jaycees, is themed “A Country Christmas”. I am excited to see all of the work that the entrants have done to again make this a small town tradition worth talking about.
For More information on the parade or other events by the Farmville Jaycees visit their website at: http://www.farmvillejaycees.com/
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