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Marketing Your Home

Now that you have decided to sell your home and have determined the fair market price, it is time to begin thinking about the most effective way to market your home to potential buyers. Your State Wide Realty agent has many ways of increasing the exposure of your home to buyers in the market.

Remember, that your State Wide Realty agent will coordinate and incur the costs of the majority of your home's marketing needs. In addition, they have access to a network of other real estate offices and agents within their Multiple Listing Service. Networking is key when trying to sell a home!

Below are some ideas that you, or your State Wide Realty agent, can use to create greater market exposure of your home:

· Make a List of Special Features: Write down all of the fabulous and unique features of your property. What are some of the characteristics you truly love about your home? What improvements have you made to your property recently? Be as descriptive as possible and  provide your State Wide Realty agent with this list so that they can create these flyers and advertisements for you.

· Newspaper AdvertisementsState Wide Realty advertises their listings in local newspaper publications as well.

· Real Estate Publications: There are many magazines and publications that feature homes currently on the market. State Wide Realty advertises their listings in Active Listings magazine.

· Signs State Wide Realty Company  agents use For Sale Signs where a buyer can see the number to call and get information about your home. If you live off of the main thoroughfare, you may want to use Directional Signs to point interested parties towards the location of your property.

· Real Estate Flyers: Your State Wide Agent can design flyers that can be distributed throughout the community. Also, they can place an information box in your front lawn so that passers-by can find out details about your home that will include color photos highlighting some of the unique features of your property and provide contact information so that the prospective buyer can schedule a showing.

· Networking: Tell friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers that you are placing your home on the market. They may know someone who is currently looking to buy. Also your State Wide Realty agent can send your property to customers they know and also share your listing on social media sites.

· The Internet: The Internet is a great way to market your home and your State Wide Realty agent will tell you which websites we will promote your listing on to get it SOLD!  In addition, your property will be included in a listing database where potential buyers are able to search for listings that meet their specific home criteria. Property listings on websites offer color photos, as well as property details.

· Virtual Tours: A virtual tour is video or moving photographs of your property. Your State Wide Realty agent can create a virtual tour of your home to include on their website. Virtual tours are a great way to show potential buyers the special features of your house. The moving photography enables buyers to get a feel for the atmosphere of your home so that they can decide if it matches their needs.